Submission > Paper submission

Instructions for presentation

The presentation should last 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions.

A PC and video projector are available. Please use a pdf version of the presentation for compatibility issue.

You can use your own PC, provided that you have a VGA port to connect the video projector (or bring the correct adaptator).

Instructions for camera ready paper

The deadline for camera-ready version is 31 may 2016. Please update your file via easychair.

The size of the paper should not exceed 8 pages including references in order to take into account the comments from the program committee.

The papers are accepted if they respect the instructions for the camera ready version.


Too late for this year! 

The LaTeX template to be used is in compas-style.tar.gz with an example for parallelism track (for the architecture or system track, one has to modify the option of the document). There is also a quick remind of french typographic rules (useless if you write the paper in english, but please check on your side the english rules).

Usefull information

The size of the paper must not exceed 6 pages (plus 1 or 2 reference pages). The paper must use the template available online.

The language of the conference is french. When the main author does not speak french, the papers in english are accepted.

The important dates ar on the main page of the conference website.

For the subjects of the conference, please check the call for paper.

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